

I'm Vaibhav and this is all about me.

Welcome to my Portfolio, a place where you can get to know me better "professionally".

Image of Vaibhav
Who am I

I'm a junior undergrad studying Computer Science, from Delhi, India. Currently, I'm learning about the magnificent world of Artificial Intelligence because it tops the list of my interests. My other interests include high efficiency machines, softwares and the field of Quantum Computing.

Speaking professionally, I like to embark upon challenges that have a benefit not just for me but others as well. It's more profitable in sense of togetherness.

I enjoy building things, from websites to robots, deep diving into various things. In short, I'm a guy who likes challenges and to build things, sort of a mechanic.



When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?

Last night.

coding image


Python and C++, various libraries, OOP etc.

c++ logo


Machine Learning, Deep Learning, libraries etc.

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Applied math, Calculus, Discrete math etc.

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Architecture, internals, CPU, GPU, RAM etc.

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Quantum Info

Quantum gates, circuits, QFT, algorithms etc.

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Web Dev

Front end, Web Design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Musicians play their instruments.

I play the orchestra.

screenshot of salary predictor's homepage
Machine Learning

Salary Predictor

This app can be used to predict the salary of a software developer by tweaking the inputs. It uses Machine Learning to handle the math and Streamlit library for developement.

screenshot of omnifood's homepage
Web Dev Web Design


Omnifood is a food service website which uses AI to generate recipes and provide to customers. It uses front end development tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.

Stay tuned for more...

Stay tuned for more...